Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tip #2 - Grandparents have a greater influence on your kids than you do

It is sad but true, children listen to their grandparents more than they listen to their parents.

Another Hyrum story for you. Hyrum loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. That is his request for every meal. He usually eats 5 or 6 pb&j sandwiches a week. The problem with this was that he would refuse to eat the crust. So he would always ask us to cut the crust off. Well, since he never eats anything we decided it was better to go through the trouble of cutting off the crust than not have him eat the sandwich. So for years we have cut off the crust. Periodically we tried to convince him to eat the crust but to no avail. So a few months back, Grandma and Grandpa were visiting and Grandpa was making Hyrum a pb&j sandwich. Hyrum naturally asked Grandpa to cut off the crust to which Grandpa promptly explained that the crust is what gives us big muscles. Hyrum naturally believed his Grandpa and since that day Hyrum has always eaten the crust on his sandwiches.

So the moral of the story is that if there is something you want your kids to do or believe, have Grandma or Grandpa tell them, I guarantee you will have greater success.

1 comment:

Arin Rohrbach said...

Good ol' grandpa. Now if we could just get him to convice the kids it's fun to do dishes.