Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tip #6 - Fruit snacks are your best friend

Kids will do anything for fruit snacks. Every parent should have a cupboard dedicated to fruit snacks. When you have a new baby, instead of the hospital giving you a diaper bag with formula samples it should be a diaper bag filled with fruit snack samples.

When ever the kids are bugging us we usually try to send them downstairs to play or watch TV. Most of the time they refuse to go. They know they are bugging us and want to continue torturing us. Why would they leave? This usually means we need to sweeten the deal with some fruit snacks. The conversation usually goes like this:

Us: Go downstairs and play. You're bothering us.
Them: No.
Us: Go downstairs.
Them: No.
Us: Go downstairs.
Them: No.
Us: If you go downstairs we'll give you some fruit snacks.
Them: FRUIT SNACKS!!!! (as they run down the stairs)

It works every time. And for those parents who are worried about the sugar content or the artificial coloring, just remember, they have "fruit" in their name so they can't be that bad, right?

1 comment:

Lynita said...

I know exactly what you mean. It doesn't take more than fruit snacks for Ethan to stop a full blown whine-fest and do a 180! They are better than candy so that is good enough in my book! LOL!